Rejected illustration by Aubrey Beardsley for front cover of Yellow Book, Volume V.
- Title
- Rejected illustration by Aubrey Beardsley for front cover of Yellow Book, Volume V.
- Date
- 1896
- Publisher
- Bodley Head Publishing House.
- Contributor
- Daren Kay, Community Curator, Queer the Pier, Brighton Museum & Art Gallery.
- Format
- JPEG of black and white pen and ink illustration created for book cover.
- Type
- Illustration for book cover
- Creator
- Aubrey Beardsley
- Spatial Coverage
- Brighton
- Language
- English
- Relation
- Yellow Book, Queer the Pier exhibition.
- Rights Holder
- Brighton Pavilion & Museums.
- Rights
- All rights reserved by Royal Pavilion & Museums.
- Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
- Temporal Coverage
- Nineteenth Century
On show in the Queer the Pier exhibition (2020 - 2022) at Brighton Museum & Art Gallery.
Proposed black and white pen and ink illustration created by Aubrey Beardsley (1877-1898) for the cover of the Yellow Book magazine (1894-1897).
Digitised image is provided by Royal Pavilion & Museums, who currently hold the original object.
Daren Kay, Community Curator: Born in Brighton in 1872, Beardsley (1872 - 1898) is best known for his erotic illustrations for a number of avant-garde publications like the Yellow Book - a fashionable magazine that ran from 1894-1897 that took its name from the covering controversial French novels were wrapped in at the time. Tainted by his association with Oscar Wilde (who was apparently carrying a copy of the Yellow Book when he was arrested for sodomy in 1895), Beardsley was fired as Art Editor of the Yellow Book.
His original illustration for Volume V (on show here) was replaced by that of another artist. Beardsley's sexually explicit art work has earned him a place in the heart of the queer community and maintained his popularity with generations of gender non-conforming and bisexual people.
Proposed black and white pen and ink illustration created by Aubrey Beardsley (1877-1898) for the cover of the Yellow Book magazine (1894-1897).
Digitised image is provided by Royal Pavilion & Museums, who currently hold the original object.
Daren Kay, Community Curator: Born in Brighton in 1872, Beardsley (1872 - 1898) is best known for his erotic illustrations for a number of avant-garde publications like the Yellow Book - a fashionable magazine that ran from 1894-1897 that took its name from the covering controversial French novels were wrapped in at the time. Tainted by his association with Oscar Wilde (who was apparently carrying a copy of the Yellow Book when he was arrested for sodomy in 1895), Beardsley was fired as Art Editor of the Yellow Book.
His original illustration for Volume V (on show here) was replaced by that of another artist. Beardsley's sexually explicit art work has earned him a place in the heart of the queer community and maintained his popularity with generations of gender non-conforming and bisexual people.