- Title
- Siren Theatre Company Pulp Programme (1984)
- Date
- 1985
- Contributor
- Siren Theatre Company
- Format
- .jpg
- Creator
- Siren Theatre Company
- Spatial Coverage
- Brighton & Hove
- UK
- Language
- English
- Rights
- Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
- Temporal Coverage
- 1985
This shows the programme cover of the pay Pulp. The programme shows a number of adverts, including from prominent lesbian organisations, such as Rackets, Dimples and Lesbian Line, as well as feminist companies such as Silver Moon bookshop Women’s Press. Nalgo (National and Local Government Officers Union) took out a full page advert supporting lesbian and gay rights. The programme promotes Siren’s cabaret show ‘Chic to Chic”, as well as their cassette ‘Siren in Queer Street’ and vinyl record ‘Siren Plays’. Page 4 & page 8 have the lyrics of seven sounds from Pulp, which were written by Jane Boston, and performed live by Siren. Page 5 has the Company Policy and a description of the play ‘Pulp’. It also shows some excerpts from reviews of previous plays. The play was directed and choreographed by Noelle Janaczewska. The artwork and layout of the programme was by Jenny Millington.