A small feature piece 'Transexual movie' advertising a screening of the film 'Let Me Die A Woman' at Brighton's Continentale Cinema, Sudeley Place, 9 December 1982. This and the accompanying listing come from Issue 2 of The Lavender Letter - courtesy of the Bishopsgate Institute.
A review of the film 'Let Me Die A Woman' screened at Brighton's Continentale Cinema, Sudeley Place, 9 December 1982. This comes from Issue 3 of The Lavender Letter - courtesy of the Bishopsgate Institute.
This is the concluding paragraph of the review: "The transsexual is far more the sexual outlaw (to borrow John Rechy's expression) than the gay man or woman and a movie like 'Let Me Die A Woman' can serve no purpose other than to titillate those who find humour or entertainment in the anguish of others." The advert for the film comes with the copy: Born a man... Let Me Die A Woman. All true! All real! See a man become a woman before your eyes!