Paul Woodward
- Title
- Paul Woodward
- Contributor
- Avee Isofa Holmes
- Format
- jpg.
- Type
- jpg.
- Creator
- Harry Hillery
- Spatial Coverage
- Brighton & Hove
- Language
- English
- Rights
- Attribution - Non Commercial - Share Alike 4.0 International License
I first met Paul Woodward (also known as Morticia) at the Our House Body Positive premises in Circus Street. Paul’s partner was also called Paul, so we called him Kim to avoid confusion. They were always together and came to OHBP most days. It was handy for them as they'd recently moved into a flat nearby on Ashton Rise. We became good friends because Kim was a hair stylist, and I needed a new one as the person who’d been doing my hair had crossed the rainbow bridge. Paul and Kim always came to my flat together. Paul wasn't 100% well and he’d had about eight operations for a collapsed lung at different times. Despite this he continued to chain smoke which really didn't help. The three of us did a Millinery course together after I said I was fed up with the gay community making better hats than me. We also used to go out a lot together as they had a car. They took me on holiday to a farm in Somerset once as a birthday present and lavished me with some beautiful gifts. Paul was not very well on holiday, but he still insisted on doing the cooking despite his poor sight which was deteriorating rapidly. I suggested he took up pottery so he could sense things and learn to feel with his hands better which he seemed to enjoy. There was a time when I was over in Rhodes seeing my daughter which coincided with a cruise they were on. Their ship docked at Mandraki Harbour for the day and I met them to show them around the old city. By this time Paul was using a white stick. As we strolled along with our arms linked, everyone seemed to be staring which made us all feel really uncomfortable, but we still had a memorable day. I heard that Paul crossed the rainbow bridge in 2008. Sadly, I’d lost touch with them as I was in Kenya by then, but I did send Kim a letter of condolence. Words by Avee Isofa Holmes